Our Transit & Tacos Initiative Won An Award!
Something beautiful happens when human beings move together.
Whether it’s a group of neighbors choosing to march in solidarity, a few friends taking a road trip, or a family taking a bike ride together, there’s something special that happens when we choose to go places together.
Maybe that’s why it’s called a ‘movement.’
After noticing how many community planning meetings are done sitting down at a table, the Transportation & Planning team first started Transit & Tacos with this idea in mind: what if we learned about transit while in transit together?
The program is about making planning more accessible to everyday people by bringing complex planning questions and issues to community members, many of whom have been historically left out of the planning process.
The San Diego American Planning Association recently chose Transit & Tacos to receive the 2020 Public Outreach Award, saying “This event has achieved an impressive level of participation and branding that truly embodies San Diego. Transit & Tacos exemplifies the planning profession’s important contribution to community engagement.”
Thank you to the SD APA, we’re so honored!
Get a quick glimpse of a Transit & Tacos community ride in the video below, and thanks to everyone from the community who continues to prioritize transit planning and made this possible.
This installment of our Transit & Tacos series took us from the CenterLine Station in City Heights down to the Otay Mesa international border...